Online Investigators provide information on anyone, so you can take the next steps with confidence.

Skip Tracing Australia offers Online Investigation Services that can shed light on your subject. If you need to know a person’s location, employment history, associations, and online behaviour, our desktop investigators can help.

Make Informed Decisions with Online Investigation Services

An Online Investigation is a process that involves collecting information from the internet for the purposes of research, fact-checking or solving a problem. Skip Tracing Australia provides Online Investigation Services that can assist your research into any individual or business. Each desktop investigation is carried out by our licensed Private Investigators.

An Online Investigation isn’t just performing a Google search – we conduct deep web searches to build a full picture of your subject. Depending on your needs, our investigative reports may involve deep web searches, social media analysis, tracing a phone number, following digital footprints and using OSINT and online tools to gather information about Fraud and CyberCrime.

Online Investigation Services are an affordable and time-efficient way to uncover details about your subject. If you’re hiring a new employee, solving a problem, investigating a crime or doing something else entirely, our desktop investigations report can help. Skip Tracing Australia makes it easy to build a profile about your subject. Talk to us about your matter, and we’ll build a report containing all the information you need.

You complete a brief that tells us about your subject and why you need an Online Investigation.

We conduct a comprehensive investigation of your subject’s online presence and data.

We provide a full report detailing our findings, giving you the information you need to resolve your matter.

Signs you need an Online Investigation

In a world that’s always connected, technology has become our best friend in conducting desktop investigations. Skip Tracing Australia can now do much of our research online, providing the information you need to resolve your problems, FAST.

  • Verifying the employment history and behaviour of a job candidate or staff member
  • Verifying personal and business details about candidates, business partners and other subjects
  • Uncovering information about Fraud and CyberCrime
  • Uncovering information about Cyberbullying and Online Harassment
  • Uncovering information about Catfishing
  • Legal Professionals needing assistance on a matter
  • Proving facts about someone, e.g. their assets or activities
  • Pre-employment online investigations and social media checks

Employment Online Investigation Services

Hiring a new staff member always involves risks. Are they who they say they are? Are they a good fit with the rest of your team? Do they have the skills and experience you’re searching for? Online Investigation Services are a quick and affordable way to gather information about staff and potential job candidates.

Our Online Investigators perform comprehensive research into the identity, history and behaviours of your employees. Using deep web searches, social media analysis and OSINT tools, we can generate a full report on any of your employees. Our Skip Tracing services can provide support when hiring a single employee or large numbers of workers. Whether it’s one person or hundreds, our Online Investigations will ensure you’re hiring the right people.

What Do You Get From Our Online Investigators?

Our Online Investigators can provide the information you need to resolve personal, business and legal concerns such as locating missing beneficiaries. Our desktop investigations service is simple, affordable and fast, and it’s the best way to verify the identity and behaviour of your subjects. Skip Tracing Australia provides detailed reports that include the following:

  • 1. Social Media Analysis – We’ll check your subject’s social media pages to analyse their posting history and images.
  • 2. Deep Web Search Results – Our Online Investigators will determine the personality and behaviours of your subject, both online and offline.
  • 3. Digital Footprint – We analyse backend data from multiple platforms to verify that your subject is who they say they are.
  • 4. Associations – Who are the professional and personal associates of your subject? Do they have criminal associations?

This is a simple process that ensures you have the information you need to make the next step. Our Online Investigators can uncover this information quickly, saving you time, money and risk when making important decisions.

Speak to our team to find out what’s included with your Online Investigation report – we’re happy to hunt down the details you need!

How our online investigation service works. 

Skip Tracing Australia offers Online Investigation Services through our team of licensed Private Investigators.
We are Online Investigation experts. Our team has vast experience in conducting investigations for Government Departments, Private Organisations, Legal Professionals and other individuals. Whatever problem you’re trying to solve, our Online Investigations can help you reach a resolution sooner.

High Quality Data & Tools

We use advanced investigative techniques, deep web searches, behavioural analysis and OSINT Tools to gather information about your subject.

Trusted Skip Tracing Specialists

Our desktop investigations are conducted by licensed Private Investigators that know how to access data and provide insights about any person or business.

Transparent and Upfront Communication

You’ll receive regular updates about the progress of our investigation, so you’ll know when to expect your comprehensive report.

Quality Results & Quick Turnaround

We aim to complete Online Investigations within 7-10 business days, making us the fastest way of resolving personal and business matters.

Why Choose us for Online Investigations

Skip Tracing Australia is here to ensure you have the information you need at all times. Our Online Investigation Services save you time and money, and help you make better decisions.

Leading SkipTrace Specialists in Australia

We have vast experience in our field, so we can use the internet to find detailed information about any individual or business in Australia.

Trusted Legal Support Services

Our Online Investigations are trusted by Legal Professionals, Private Organisations, Government Departments and many other clients.

Competitive Prices

An Online Investigation is an affordable way to manage your risk, and we provide the most competitive pricing in the industry.

Legislative Knowledge and Industry Experience

Skip Tracing Australia has supported a wide range of matters, giving us the expertise to support all types of legal proceedings.

Fast and Efficient Results

We provide results, FAST. That includes an update within 3 business days of commencement, and an outcome in 7-10 business days.

Private & Confidential

Your privacy is our first concern, so we won’t provide any details about you or your matter to the subject unless instructed to do so.

Let us know how we can help you.

Tell us a bit about your situation, who you’re looking for and why you need to find them. We’ll be in touch as soon as we get your message.

Or, you can always pick up the phone and call if you’d prefer not to wait.